How to Read an Astrology Chart

Filed under Intro Topics on April 30, 2024

Astrology, a practice as ancient as any civilization, provides us with a unique lens through which to view our lives and destinies. Among its various traditions, Hellenistic astrology offers a rich and textured approach to understanding an astrology chart. This guide introduces you to the basics of Hellenistic astrology and how to interpret your natal chart using its principles.

What is a Hellenistic Astrology Chart?

A Hellenistic astrology chart maps the sky at the moment of your birth, placing a special focus on the zodiac signs, the planets, and the houses. Unlike modern Western astrology, Hellenistic astrology heavily emphasizes the use of aspects, lots, and planetary conditions such as sect, exaltation, and fall to describe the native’s life and fate.

Understanding the Components of the Chart

The Zodiac and the Signs

The zodiac in Hellenistic astrology is divided into twelve signs, each connected to a specific element (fire, earth, air, water) and modality (cardinal, fixed, mutable). These signs influence how the planets behave in them—Aries, for instance, is fiery and pioneering, affecting planets placed within it to act boldly and impulsively.


The twelve houses in a Hellenistic chart symbolize different life areas and are pivotal in predicting the areas of life most influenced by the planets and signs ruling and occupying them. The first house, or the Ascendant, is particularly important as it represents the physical body and personal outlook.

Planets and Their Condition

Each planet, from the Sun to Saturn (with occasional inclusion of outer planets), holds specific significations and governs certain facets of life. In Hellenistic astrology, the condition of a planet—whether it is in its domicile, exaltation, fall, or detriment—greatly influences its ability to act effectively and brings out the qualitative aspects of its nature.

Key Steps to Reading Your Hellenistic Chart

  1. Determine Planetary Sect: Identify whether planets are in their preferred sect (diurnal or nocturnal), which affects their ability to bring about their significations favorably.
  2. Analyze Planetary Aspects: Look at the geometric angles between planets, known as aspects. These include conjunctions, squares, trines, and oppositions. Hellenistic astrology also considers the whole sign aspects and aspects by degree, highlighting significant relationships between the planetary bodies.
  3. Focus on Angular Houses: The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are called angular houses and are of great importance for their impact on life’s pivotal events and the native’s vitality.
  4. Use Lots (Arabic Parts): Calculate important lots such as the Lot of Fortune and the Lot of Spirit to uncover additional insights into wealth, health, and spiritual matters.
  5. Consider Time Lords: Employ time-lord techniques, such as Zodiacal Releasing or Decennials, to determine what periods in life will be most active or significant.

Utilizing Tools and Resources

While the principles of reading a chart in Hellenistic astrology can seem complex, modern tools and historical texts make learning this ancient art more accessible. Many online resources offer not only chart calculation services but also tutorials on Hellenistic techniques. Engaging with the community through forums and study groups can also enhance your understanding.


Reading your astrology chart through Hellenistic astrology not only unveils your inherent potential but also guides you through life’s challenges and opportunities. It connects you with the cosmos in a profound, historically enriched way, providing not just predictions but also a philosophical insight into the workings of fate and free will. Embrace this ancient wisdom to navigate your path with clarity and confidence. Calculate your birth chart for free here.