The Planets
Filed under Astrology Intro Topics on April 18, 2015
A planet could be likened to a car. Now whether or not that car functions would be likened to its quality or sign. Is it a red car? Is it well-oiled? A sign adds color to the planet and describes its value. Naturally, you can see how a planet, with its inherent qualities, prefers signs that match its personality.
Many astrologers debate as to whether or not to use the outer planets: Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. These planets were not observed by astrologers in Ancient Greece and move so slowly that they tend toward generational impact if anything. These ‘outers’ are only considered in regard to personalities which have a generational impact like celebrities and other widely-known individuals.
diurnal, masculine, hot, dry, honest, faithful, prudent, domineering, foolish
nocturnal, feminine, watery, cold, moist, easily-frightened, carefree, lazy
cold, dry, melancholic, impartial, curious, intelligent, logical, frenetic, devious
nocturnal, fortunate, feminine, cold, moist, honest, joyous, musical, fashionable
nocturnal, unfortunate, masculine, fiery, hot, dry, red, courageous, hostile
diurnal, fortunate, masculine, warm, magnanimous, just, indulgent, ignorant
diurnal, unfortunate, cold, dry, social, conforming, profound, solitary, malicious